Fortnightly Bulletin – 15th July 2024
15 July 2024

Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging: Who Is Affected and What To Do
Guidance on how UK organisations that supply or import packaging should comply with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging has been subject to minor updates (9th July 2024). These updates link to deadlines, definitions for clarity, and link to agreed positions guidance from the section on how parent companies should report data.
For the full guidance, click here.
Storing and Cutting Waste Rubber Conveyor Belts for Reuse: RPS 305
This Regulatory Position Statement (RPS) applies to operators who store and cut waste rubber conveyor belts for reuse.
This RPS does not change your legal requirement to have an environmental permit for a waste operation when you store and cut waste rubber conveyor belts for reuse.
However, the Environment Agency (EA) will not normally take enforcement action against you if do not comply with these legal requirements provided the activity meets the description set out in this RPS and you comply with the conditions set out in the RPS.
To comply with this RPS, you must comply with the following conditions:
- Store the waste rubber conveyor belts in a secure place before cutting.
- Only manually cut the waste rubber conveyor belts for reuse – no other treatment is allowed.
- Store no more than 100 tonnes of waste at any one time.
- Store waste for no more than six months.
- Seep records for two years to show that you have complied with this RPS and make these records available to the Environment Agency on request.
Manual cutting means use of handheld tools including power tools and a grab or machine bucket to move the waste.
For the full guidance, click here.
Articles of Interest
Quality Protocol Revisions
The Compost and Anaerobic Digestate Quality Protocols have now been revised by the Environment Agency with draft documents now called ‘Resource Frameworks’ released to industry organisations for feedback from members. The proposed Resource Frameworks will replace existing Quality Protocols.
The proposed Resource Frameworks include changes/clarification on the following:
- End of Waste requirements
- Plastic limits
- Approved input materials
Unlike the existing Quality Protocols, the draft Resource Frameworks do not propose designated market sectors.
For the full article, click here
Defra Secretary to Priorities Moving Britain to Zero Waste Economy
The new Environment Secretary, Steve Reed, has said moving Britain to a zero waste economy is one of his five core priorities.
Following the appointment, Reed announced that moving Britain to a zero-waste economy is one of his five core priorities alongside cleaning up rivers, lakes and seas, boosting food security, ensuring nature recovery, and protecting communities from flooding.
Reed previously said Labour would target a zero-waste economy by 2050, however, this target was not included in the party’s manifesto.
For the full article, click here
Warning Over Huge Costs For C&D Sector Unless Companies Act Now
Construction and Demolition (C&D) companies must act now to prevent the risk of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of waste wood which could be recycled from being lost.
That is the message from the Wood Recyclers’ Association (WRA), which is urging C&D companies to test certain ‘amber’ waste wood items* from demolition as a matter of urgency and share their results with the WRA, to help determine which items are hazardous or not.
It is a legal requirement under Regulatory Position Statement 291 for waste producers to test these items at least once per quarter and to share their results with the WRA.
Without more test results, the WRA warns that many companies risk failing to comply with their legal duties and will be in a much worse position when RPS 291 is removed at the end of September.
For the full article, click here
Previous enforcement action
Operating without or other than in accordance with an environmental permit (waste activity)
Two firms have been convicted of dumping waste illegally at a site. The site had planning permission to raise an embankment but failed to get the necessary permissions/authorisations to accept waste material onto the site. As part of the enforcement action companies involved were subject to fines totalling £38,000.
Source: Gov.UK
For the full article, click here
Circular Renewables Session – Accelerating Circular Renewables
16th July, online 13:00-14:00
If the UK is to meet its renewable energy targets, rapid growth and investment in renewable technology and components is required to build the infrastructure we need.
The UK must integrate circular models into all aspects of our renewable energy infrastructure. Reducing the demand from volatile supply chains, keeping valuable materials in use for longer and helping reduce environmental impacts from extracting raw materials.
This session will explore the opportunities for remanufacturing renewable infrastructure.
Source: IEMA