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EMS welcome University of Sheffield work experience student, Emma Bladen

12 July 2023

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Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
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Emma Bladen

Emma Bladen joined EMS for 2 weeks of work experience in the Innovation department to complement her degree in General Engineering from the University of Sheffield.

Emma worked alongside Dr Sonja Ostojin, Head of Innovation at EMS who is keen to inspire young women to study STEM subjects and progress confidently in their careers.

Emma said,

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my placement here at EMS – everyone has been really friendly and it’s been great working with all of them. The broad range of skills and knowledge I gained from my General Engineering course this year allowed me to work on a wide range of projects, from mechanical and electrical CAD and testing Programmable Logic Controllers to helping with project proposals. I’m really grateful to Sonja and the rest of the team for these opportunities. I’ve not only learnt a lot about the engineering behind these projects but also about how such projects are implemented in the real world, from how the company works to what is involved in getting the systems installed in the field. It’s also just been really exciting to work on projects helping combat and protect us from climate change.”

Dr Ostojin was one of only five women out of approximately 300 students to graduate from her undergraduate degree cohort in Serbia.  She’s now at the forefront of her profession and regularly works with the University of Sheffield. She is hoping that she can help to inspire the next generation of girls and women to study STEM subjects. Sonja commented,

General engineering is providing an excellent program that supports the idea that engineers should have a holistic approach when looking for solutions. Emma and her peers are inspiring young people who I am lucky to meet and support in their projects. Emma had a brilliant attitude and impressive base knowledge of a broad range of subjects. We are looking forward to working with the University of Sheffield team and supporting more students in fulfilling their aspirations and ambitions.”

Read more about Sonja and her journey into Engineering.

The team at EMS would like to extend a big thank you to Emma for all her hard work during her placement, and to Dr Andy Nichols, the Course Director for General Engineering at the University of Sheffield, who EMS work closely with and who continues to encourage and coach exceptional students throughout their degree.

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