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World Rivers Day

World Rivers Day

World Rivers Day is on the fourth Sunday of every September, to draw attention to the benefits of protecting and maintaining our rivers, and to encourage action against the threats they are facing.

Mapping your Water Footprint

Mapping your Water Footprint

Social, economic, political, environmental, ecological and agricultural aspects of life are all negatively impacted by increased water shortages across the globe.

An Introduction to SuDS part 2

An Introduction to SuDS part 2

This blog will look at the benefits of SuDS beyond water quality and quantity.

Do you understand the open water market?

Do you understand the open water market?

The open water market works in much the same way as other utility markets, such as gas and electricity.

Why monitor phosphate levels in water?

Why monitor phosphate levels in water?

We discuss where excess phosphate comes from and why it can cause a problem.

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