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Effluent Discharge Consent

Water pipes

Trade effluent is any liquid waste (effluent) discharged into our sewers from a business or industrial process.

Have a question?

Contact our expert Rebecca Chapman for more information.

  • Gain consent for your business 
  • Your organisation remains legally regulated 
  • Expert advice and guidance 
  • A dedicated consultant to liaise with the water company 
  • An efficient and smooth application process 
  • Ensure your activities are not disrupted 

It can best be described as anything other than domestic sewage (toilet, bath or sink waste) or uncontaminated surface water and roof drainage (rainwater). 

Effluent discharge to a foul sewer is controlled by the water companies based around the UK to reduce risks to people, the sewerage network, treatment processes and the environment. For this reason, trade effluent cannot be discharged without prior consent, and doing so constitutes a criminal offence. 

To ensure your business remains legally compliant and regulated, our team of environmental experts can liaise with your local water company to identify if you need effluent discharge consent. Our experienced consultants can then ensure that the process is dealt with in an efficient manner to avoid disruption to your business activities. 

Our consultants can also carry out a cost benefit analysis that will firstly determine if disposal to a foul sewer via a trade effluent discharge consent is the best option for your business, or if you might benefit instead from collection and off-site disposal by an authorised waste contractor. If disposal to a foul sewer is the best option for you, we can also determine which water service provider is the most effective for you. 

Get in touch

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Accreditations & Awards

Achilies logo
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
ilm logo
Constructing Excellence Yorkshire & Humber club
Constructing Excellence North East Club
Safe Contractor approved

Recent Insights

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Fortnightly Bulletin - 15th July 2024

The new Environment Secretary, Steve Reed, has said moving Britain to a zero waste economy is one of his five core priorities.

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The CIWM has reviewed the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) ‘Resources and Waste Strategy for England’ to determine its ongoing relevance, and to identify any policy gaps where it fails to support the UK’s future requirements. 

Want to know more?

To discuss Effluent Discharge Consent and our other Environmental Permits and Consent services, please contact Rebecca Chapman our Consultancy Manager.

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