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Flood Risk Activity Permit Applications

Flood risk activity

This permit, which is issued by the Environment Agency, is required if you want to do work: on or near a main river, on or near a flood defence structure, in a flood plain, on or near a sea defence.

Have a question?

Contact our expert Rebecca Chapman for more information.

  • Apply for a Flood Risk Activity permit 
  • Required for all flood risk activities 
  • Expert guidance through the process 
  • Have everything in place to be able to follow the rules 
  • Liaison service with the Environment Agency 
  • Ensure that your application is completed efficiently 

There are several steps to applying for a Flood Risk Activities standard permit, all of which our environmental consultants can guide you through. They include: 

  • Ensuring your business can follow the rules stated
  • Filling in the application form and providing any supporting material
  • Checking your activity against the generic risk assessment
  • Checking if you can’t apply for a standard permit because your works are too close to a flood defence structure of an environmentally sensitive location
  • Prepare an Environmental Management System that describes how you’ll manage any risk

Get in touch

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Want to know more?

To discuss Flood Risk Activity Permit Applications and our other Environmental Permits and Consent services, please contact Rebecca Chapman our Consultancy Manager.

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