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Heritage Assessments

Heritage site assessment

During the planning application process, your business will be required to provide a description of the significance of the heritage asset and/or its setting.

Have a question?

Contact our expert Rebecca Chapman for more information.

  • Full assessment by an environmental expert 
  • Address how your development may affect heritage assets
  • Guidance on the surrounding environment 
  • Including necessary mitigation recommendations
  • Ensure your heritage assessment process 
  • Support your planning application with no delays

This is presented in the form of a Heritage Impact Assessment that our team of experienced experts can prepare for you.  

There is national legislation and guidance relating to the protection of – and development on, or near – important archaeological sites or historical buildings within planning regulations. These are defined under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. In addition, local authorities are responsible for the protection of the historic environment within the planning system. 

A Heritage Impact Assessment should provide the District Planning Authority with enough information to understand the impact of the proposals on the significance of any heritage assets affected. The assets considered include: 

  • Historic buildings and ancient monuments 
  • Archaeological sites 
  • Listed buildings of historical importance. 
  • Historic parks and garden 
  • Conservation areas 

EMS will work with your business and developers in order to secure the continued preservation and enhancement of the character, appearance and setting of the heritage assets and historic environment. The Heritage Impact Assessment will: 

  • Identify heritage assets to survive within the area of study
  • Assess the significance of the known heritage assets, considering their archaeological, historic, architectural and artistic interests
  • Assess the impact of the proposed development on the significance of the heritage assets and their setting
  • Identify mitigation factors implemented in the development strategy that will preserve or enhance the significance and setting of heritage assets and/or contribute to the character and local distinctiveness of the historic environment

Submission of inadequate information in a Heritage Impact Assessment can lead to your application for planning permission being made invalid. EMS’s team of experts will ensure that all supporting material is included, therefore avoiding any delay for your organisation.

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Accreditations & Awards

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ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
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Constructing Excellence Yorkshire & Humber club
Constructing Excellence North East Club
Safe Contractor approved

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Want to know more?

To discuss Heritage Assessments and our other Planning Applications and EIA services, please contact Rebecca Chapman our Consultancy Manager.

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