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Waste Audits

EMS consultants on site

During a waste audit, our experienced environmental expert carries out a methodical review of your business to determine the amount and types of waste that are generated by your company.

Have a question?

Contact our expert Rebecca Chapman for more information.

  • Full audit by an environmental expert
  • Address a requirement that many see as difficult or risky
  • Ensure your business remains legally compliant
  • While your business targets continue to be achieved
  • Review your business processes and practices
  • Receive recommendations for required changes 

During a waste audit, our experienced environmental expert carries out a methodical review of your business to determine the amount and types of waste that are generated by your company – and what you do with it. This process not only ensures you dispose of any waste responsibly and legally, but can also help you to reduce the amount of waste your company generates by recommending where you can reuse material and/or improve processes. 

The resulting benefits of a waste audit include: 

  • Legal compliance. 
  • Improved environmental performance. 
  • Ongoing cost savings due to improved efficiencies. 
  • Identifications of new sources of revenue. 
  • Peace of mind that your waste contractors are also legally compliant and efficient. 

Get in touch

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Accreditations & Awards

Achilies logo
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 45001
ilm logo
Constructing Excellence Yorkshire & Humber club
Constructing Excellence North East Club
Safe Contractor approved

Recent Insights

Fortnightly Bulletin - 15th July 2024

Fortnightly Bulletin - 15th July 2024

The new Environment Secretary, Steve Reed, has said moving Britain to a zero waste economy is one of his five core priorities.

Fortnightly Bulletin - 1st July 2024

Fortnightly Bulletin - 1st July 2024

The CIWM has reviewed the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) ‘Resources and Waste Strategy for England’ to determine its ongoing relevance, and to identify any policy gaps where it fails to support the UK’s future requirements. 

Want to know more?

To discuss the Waste Audits and our other Audits and Inspections, please contact Rebecca Chapman our Consultancy Manager.

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