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Fortnightly Bulletin – 20th May 2024

21 May 2024

Waste from factory


Register or renew waste exemptions 

Waste exemptions are changing, and this will affect anyone who carries out a waste exemption activity. The proposed changes are explained within Defra’s consultation supplementary response document and its annexes. Changes to waste exemptions are likely to start in 2025, however, timescales are to be finalised.  


For the full guidance, click here. 

Articles of Interest

Waste Industry Placement Scheme relaunched to support knowledge sharing between regulator and industry 

The Environment Agency and waste management trade body, the Environmental Services Association (ESA) have launched their Waste Industry Placement Scheme to support the sharing of knowledge between the regulator and industry.  

It aims to provide Environment Agency officers with hands-on operational experience, bolstering their ability to regulate with greater understanding.  

The scheme is due to take place from June to September 2024 with Environment Agency officers completing a one-week placement.  


For the full guidance, click here. 

Bin lorry battery fires up 70% since 2022 

Lithium-ion batteries discarded in household rubbish caused 1,200 fires in the waste system over the past 12 months, up from 700 just two years ago. 

Research found that over 1.6 billion batteries were thrown away in the past year, including 1.1 billion electrical items containing lithium-ion batteries.  

The financial and environmental implications of fires associated with waste sites and plant are significant.  

Source: MRW

For the full article, click here  

Pause on new incinerator decisions extended by the Government  

New large incinerators will not be granted planning permission in England until the Government has finished considering how many are needed.  

In April, the Environment Agency was told to stop issuing operating permits while officials carried out more work. When the order to pause the granting of permits was issued by environment minister, Sir Mark Spencer in April, he suggested Defra’s work would be completed by 24th of May. 

Energy Secretary, Claire Coutinho will not decide on any planning applications for large incinerators until this is complete, the BBC now understands. 

In a written statement, Ms Coutinho said she was extending the deadline until 18th of July. 

Source: BBC News

For the full article, click here  

Enforcement action

Operating without or other than in accordance with an environmental permit (water discharge activity) 

A packaging company that was illegally discharging printing ink to a water course causing pollution, was subject to an enforcement undertaking. As part of the enforcement undertaking the company: 

  • Installed a new waste ink treatment facility, 
  • Reimburse clean-up costs,
  • Cover Environment Agency costs,
  • Contribute £20,000 to a local charity dedicated to the restoration and conservation of the watercourse.  

Source: Gov.UK 

For the full guidance, click here. 


Circular renewables session #5. Remanufacturing: the future? 

11th of June 2024  Online 13:00-14:00 

If the UK is to meet its renewable energy targets, rapid growth and investment in renewable technology and components is required to build the infrastructure we need. 

The UK must integrate circular models into all aspects of our renewable energy infrastructure. Reducing the demand from volatile supply chains, keeping valuable materials in use for longer and helping reduce environmental impacts from extracting raw materials. 

This session will explore the opportunities for remanufacturing renewable infrastructure. 

Source: IEMA 

To register, click here  

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