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Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Framework: What is it and how does it apply?

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Framework: What is it and how does it apply?

What is the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) Framework?

Noise Protection - Why is it important?

Noise Protection - Why is it important?

Under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 companies have a duty to protect their workforce, and any visitors to the site, from exposure to high noise levels.

The Importance of Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Systems and Thorough Examination and Testing (TExT)

The Importance of Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Systems and Thorough Examination and Testing (TExT)

This blog will discuss the importance of maintaining an LEV system and how often an LEV system needs to be tested.

Why is it important to effectively manage your environmental data?

Why is it important to effectively manage your environmental data?

As environmental impact is becoming of increasing concern, acquiring and analysing your environmental data is becoming ever more valuable when making business and operational decisions, which this blog will discuss.

Particulate Monitoring Matters – part 2

Particulate Monitoring Matters – part 2

This week we will discuss where particulate pollutions originates from and identify the main areas in which it needs to be monitored.

Particulate Monitoring Matters – part 1

Particulate Monitoring Matters – part 1

We are looking at what exactly particulate pollution is and why it is important that it is monitored, particularly in the workplace.

Does your site operate to EN 14181?

Does your site operate to EN 14181?

EN 14181 is a European standard which details the quality assurance procedures which are required to ensure that the emissions monitoring systems meet the measurement uncertainty requirements. It is important to know if your site operates to EN 14181.

Fixing the Drip - Data Rich, Information Poor?

Fixing the Drip - Data Rich, Information Poor?

This blog focuses on the variety of data that needs analysing and the reasons for doing so, to measure environmental performance.

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