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6 July 2016

Bethan Stones headshot

Bethan Stones

Group Marketing Manager

Cura Terrae
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Work-wise is an employer inspired and led initiative for engineering, manufacturing and related sectors to support the development of young people so they have the knowledge, skills, aptitude and opportunities for employment within the Sheffield City Region.  It provides young people, our future generation workforce, with a range of inspirational, industry focuesed, work related learning and development experiences supported by employers.  This allows them to better develop the personal attributes and skills, the work-wise essentials, they need in preparation for future jobs and life.

EMS support young people (14 to 18 years old) by giving them a work placement for two weeks in the summer.  This gives them a head start and a real taste and experience of a working environment and helps each candidate to gain essential skills and improve their employment and education prospects.

“The opportunities that the work-wise Foundation is able to give are only possible through the commitment and support of work-wise companies like EMS opening their doors and offering our young people these amazing opportunities.  EMS have worked with work-wise and supported our efforts over the past 3 yeard and have helped inform, shape and change young peoples lives and we look forward to continuing this partnership in the future”

John Barber, Co-Founder & Senior Associate, Work-wise Foundation

Read more about the Work-wise Initiative.

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